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STEAM PowerED ACT Test Prep

STEAM PowerED ACT TRACK offer videos, study guides, tips and step-by-step instructions on how to tackle the ACT Assessment. It's a one-stop collection of  



How is each section designed?



What is the best approach
to each session?



What skills & knowledge do
you need to be successful?


In order to improve your ACT score, you have to master these three major components.


24 STEAM PowerED ACT Tips

Strategies, Resources, and Study Guides From STEAM PowerED

Prepare with confidence and conquer the ACT exam. Access our ACT strategies and resources today and unlock your full potential!


ACT Grammar and Punctuation Rules

Teacher and Student
Goal Setting 
What can we do to improve?
Math Formulas
ACT Math Facts & Formulas
Students in Computer Class
3 Ways to Conquer Your Test Anxiety

Integrate ACT Preparation with Core Curriculum for
Comprehensive Learning!

STEAM PowerED innovative approach combines ACT preparation with core instruction, providing a comprehensive learning experience that enhances both your subject knowledge and test-taking skills.


Common Core Aligned Content

We have carefully aligned our ACT prep curriculum with the Common Core Standards across subjects such as English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. Our instructional materials, practice questions, and assessments are designed to reinforce and deepen your understanding of the concepts and skills outlined in the Common Core Standards. By integrating ACT preparation with Common Core-aligned content, we ensure a cohesive and meaningful learning experience.


Curriculum Integration

STEAM PowerED understands the importance of maximizing your learning time. Our program is designed to seamlessly integrate ACT preparation with your core curriculum subjects such as English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing. We align our instructional materials, practice exercises, and assessments with the content and skills covered in your regular classes, ensuring that you're simultaneously building subject mastery and preparing for the ACT.

book, computer

Content-Specific Strategies

Our program goes beyond general test-taking strategies. We provide content-specific strategies for each ACT section, tailored to the core curriculum subjects. Whether it's mastering grammar rules in English, applying mathematical concepts in Math, analyzing complex passages in Reading, interpreting scientific data in Science, or crafting persuasive essays in Writing, our strategies will help you excel in both your coursework and the ACT.

Get the Scores Your Students Deserve with Our Comprehensive ACT Test Prep Rally!


Are you preparing your high school students for the ACT exam? Don't stress! Our specialized ACT test prep program is here to help you ace the test and unlock your full potential.




Enroll in our ACT test prep program today and pave the way to college success!

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